"...toward the goal am I pursuing for the prize of God's calling above in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:14)
The Apostle Paul could say in the midst of his suffering...
"For I am reckoning that the sufferings of the current era do not deserve the glory about to be revealed for us.." (Romans 8:18)
Abundant life after death without any suffering and sorrow. That is our hope, and it is the promise of God for all of us. But many do not grasp onto this hope in times of trouble because they have never heard about God's plan.
“Now the God of all grace, Who calls you into His eonian glory in Christ, while briefly suffering, He will be adjusting, establishing, firming, founding you. To Him be glory and might for the eons of the eons. Amen!" (I Peter 5:10-11).
The eons were created as a stage for God to demonstrate His Love. So, I am sure that the goal set before me and my family is to be delivered out of death and into the eternal Kingdom of God.