"For God was pleased to have ALL His fullness dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile to Himself ALL things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through His blood, shed on the cross." (Colossians 1:20)
1. Jesus came into the world to seek and to save...
(a) some of the lost
(b) the lost who repent of their sins and ask Jesus into their hearts
(c) those who repeat the sinners prayer
(d) all that are lost
2. God wills...
(a) all to be saved
(b) a few to be saved
(c) most to be saved
(d) only Christians and Jews to be saved
3. Jesus came into the world to
(a) offer salvation to sinners
(b) condemn sinners to hell
(c) attempt to save sinners from hell
(d) save sinners
4. Salvation is...
(a) an offer from God that can be rejected
(b) earned by mixing the grace of God with the good works of people
(c) limited to those who hear and believe the gospel
(d) the free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ the Lord
5. God loves...
(a) some people
(b) all people
(c) only Christians and a few Jews and Republicans
(d) nobody
6. At death...
(a) Christians immediately go to heaven
(b) Unbelievers immediately go to hell
(c) That's it - People cease to exit
(d) none of the above
7. At the resurrection
(a) we receive a new spiritual body not made from the soil
(b) the new body is immortal
(c) the new body is like the one Jesus now has
(d) all of the above
8. The English word "hell" in the King James Bible is from ...
(a) the Hebrew word "sheol"
(b) the Greek words "gehenna" and "tartarus"
(c) the Greek word "hades"
(d) all of the above
9. The blood of Christ Jesus has atoned for the sins of ...
(a) the whole world
(b) only Jews
(c) only Christians and children who never reach the age of accountability
(d) only Jews and Christians
10. The lake of fire is defined in the Bible as...
(a) the place where those who do not accept Jesus are tortured forever
(b) the place God created to torture Satan and his demons forever
(c) the place rich people go after death
(d) the second death
1. God is Spirt. ____
2. God is Love. _____
2. God loves everyone. ____
3. God wills that all be saved. ____
4. God has the power to save everybody. ____
5. God's will is more powerful than man's will. ____
6. Jesus did the will of the Father. ____
7. Jesus was sent by God to save the world. ____
8. Jesus did not fail in what He came to do. ____
9. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. ____
10. The whole creation will be reconciled to God. ____
1. "He said to Abraham, through your offspring ____ peoples on earth will be blessed."
2. "Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tiding of great joy which shall be to ____ people."
3. "And ___ humanity will see God's Salvation."
4. "God our Savior, will have _____ humanity to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth."
5. "We trust in the living God, who is the Savior of _____ humanity."
6. "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw _____ humanity unto me."
7. "The grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to _____ humanity."
8. "There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, Who gave Himself a ransom for ____"
9. "For as in Adam _____ die, even so in Christ shall ____ be made alive."
10. "Christ is ___, and in ___."
11. "That God may be ___ in ___."